[image 336-menues/paint-net8.jpg "Menü Korrekturen - Bild muss angepasst werden" center]
Die Anpassung einer Grafik mit Befehlen aus dem Menü Korrekturen betrifft immer die farbliche Zusammensetzung. Ohne Installation weiterer Plugins sind die folgenden Korrekturbefehle verfügbar:
- Automatisch
- Farben umkehren
- Farbton/Sättigung
- Helligkeit / Kontrast
- Kurven
- Manuelle Anpassung - noch kein Text und kein Beispiel
- Schwarzweiß
- Sepia
- Tontrennung - noch kein Text und kein Beispiel
Plugins für Korrekturen
Plugins können in den Menüpunkten Korrekturen (englisch: Adjustments) oder Effekte (englisch: Effects) angesiedelt sein. Plugins für Korrekturen sind:
- Advanced Rotate von sradforth, enthalten in Stus Effects, Paketdatei StusPluginsWithSource.zip, Datei AdvancedRotate.dll, interessant
- Alpha Contrast von sradforth, enthalten in Stus Effects, Paketdatei StusPluginsWithSource.zip, Datei AlphaContrast.dll, interessant, getestet, nicht sehr ergiebig
- Alpha Levels von redflux, uninteressant
- Alpha map von Boude, AlphaMap2.dll, bedingt interessant
- Alpha Transform von ReMake, enthalten in ReMake's plugin pack, Paketdatei RM_EffectsPack.zip, Datei AlphaTransform.dll, interessant
- Black & White Only, von Intrepidis, prüfen
- Black and Alpha+, von dpy, Paketdatei dpyplugins8.1.zip, BlackandAlpha+.dll, prüfen
- Black and White+, BlackAndWhite+.dll
- Channel Operations, Channel_Ops.dll
- Color Accent, Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.ColorAccent.dll & Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.dll
- Color Balance, ColorBalance.dll
- Color Balance+, dpyColorBalance.dll
- Color Dimmer, Color Dimmer.dll
- Color Match, Color Match.dll
- Color Matrix, ColorMatrix.Effect.dll, ColorMatrix.Effect.dlc, OptionBasedLibrary vX.X.dll & OptionBasedLibrary vX.X.dlc
- Color Mixer, ColorMixer.dll
- Color Ramp, ColorRamp.dll
- Colour Chop, colourchop3.dll
- Combined Adjustments, CombinedAdjustments.dll
- Conditional Effects, ConditionalEffects.dll
- Conditional Hue/Saturation, CondHSAdj.dll
- Curves+, Curves+.dll
- Cyanotype, Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.Monochromes.dll & Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.dll
- Duotone Ink on Paper, Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.Duotones.dll & Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.dll
- Duotone Light, Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.Duotones.dll & Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.dll
- Dynamic Contrast, DynamicContrast.dll
- Gradient Mapping, Gradient Mapping.dll
- Gralpha, Gralpha.dll
- Grayscale on Colored Paper, Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.Monochromes.dll &Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.dll
- Grayscale+, GrayScale+.dll
- HDR, HDR.dll
- HSV Eraser, HsvEraser.dll
- Hue / Saturation Plus, HueSatPlus.dll
- Image Modulo Toolkit, Image Modulo Toolkit.dll
- Input to Output, InputToOutput.dll
- InputToOutput+,InputToOutput+.dll
- Intensity RGB, IntensityRGB.dll
- Invert Alpha, InvertAlpha.dll
- Invert Anything, Invert_Anything.dll
- Invert around primary color,invert_around_primcol.dll
- Invert Channels, invert channels.dll
- Isolate Lineart, isolate.dll
- LCD Subsampling resize, SubLCD.dll
- Make Palette, Make Palette.dll
- Manual Color Correction, ManualColorCorrection.dll
- Mirror Selection, Mirror.dll
- Modify Channels, ModifyChannels.dll
- Monochrome Ink on Paper, Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.Monochromes.dll & Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.dll
- Override HSV, Override HSV.dl
- Posterize Alpha, PosterizeAlpha.dll
- Posterize in HSV Space, PosterizeHSV.dll
- Posterize+, Posterize+.dll
- Remove Black, Remove_Black.dll
- Saturation RGB, SaturationRGB_en.dll
- Sepia 2, Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.Monochromes.dll & Vandermotten.PaintDotNetEffects.dll
- Soft Saturation (aka Vibrance in 4.0x), EdHarvey.Effects.dll & EdHarvey.Effects.pdb
- SubLCD, SubLCD.dll
- Temperature / Tint, Temperature.dll
- TR's Alpha Mapper, TRsAlphaMapper.dll
- Transparency, Transparency.dll
- Transparency RGB, TransparencyRGB.dll
- Transparent to Transparent Black, TransparentToTransparentBlack.dll
- Transparent to Transparent White, TransparentToTransparentWhite.dll
- Two Tone Threshold, TwoToneThreshold.dll
- Whitepoint Correction, Whitepoint.dll